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Working to keep the air you

We focus on fairly and consistently applying laws, rules, and regulations to the businesses and individual actions that we regulate. We regulate more than 500 businesses that emit air pollution, ranging from large refineries to coffee roasters. We also have authority over smoke from fireplaces and wood stoves, outdoor burning, and how asbestos in building materials is handled.

February 2025 business highlights
Click the numbers to go to our monthly activity archives.

Partners for Clean Air

Clean air is one of our most precious resources. Businesses and other organizations in Island, Skagit and Whatcom counties play a significant role in helping to protect the air we all breathe.

NWCAA’s Partners for Clean Air recognition program celebrated sources that do their part to improve air quality.

Our awards recognized businesses and other organizations at the Silver, Gold and Platinum levels for their emissions performance in the previous calendar year.


Businesses that meet the criteria below and submit an application form will receive a Silver award Partners for Clean Air window decal, and Northwest Clean Air will announce their award.

  • The facility has not received a notice of violation or corrective action notice from Northwest Clean Air in the past three years.
  • All required reports are completed and submitted on time.
  • All fees are paid to Northwest Clean Air on time.

Businesses that qualify for the Silver award, meet the criteria below and submit an application form will receive a Gold award Partners for Clean Air window decal, and the Northwest Clean Air Agency will announce their award.

The business must have implemented clean air practices during the last three years in at least two of the following four pollution prevention categories:

  • Energy Efficiency: lighting, heating/cooling, water heating, equipment, combustion
  • Emissions Reductions: process changes, material substitution, etc.
  • Sector Specific: air pollution prevention practices related to your specific business sector (such as gas stations, boilers, dry cleaners, surface coaters, spray coaters, and boat builders.)
  • Transportation: trip reduction, no-idle policies, cleaner fleets, diesel retrofits, etc.


Businesses that qualify for Gold award status can request to be considered for the Platinum award.

Northwest Clean Air presents Platinum awards to businesses that have gone above and beyond regulatory requirements to improve air quality.

The business that wins this award will receive a Platinum award Partners for Clean Air window decal and a plaque presented at our Board of Directors meeting. Northwest Clean Air also will announce the award.

Partners for Clean Air Application