Our online forms are not functioning at the moment for asbestos and demo applications, due to a formstack outage.
If it is possible to delay your application until April 10th, please do so. If not, please call our office Monday – Friday, 8:30 to 4:30 and we will help you obtain your permit, 360-941-7049.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
For full rules and regulations concerning asbestos removal and demolition please reference NWCAA Section 570 – Asbestos Control Standards. If you need help or special accommodations to complete this form, please call our office for assistance at 360-941-7049.
For your safety, NWCAA strongly recommends you hire a professional certified abatement contractor to remove asbestos.
Note that as of Dec 11, 2022 the following rules will change:
- Vermiculite must be treated as asbestos containing material (unless specific sampling methods are used) and is no longer fee exempt.
- Seasonal homes no longer qualify for exemptions under the definition of Owner-Occupied Single-Family Primary Residence.
If you need help or special accommodations to complete this form, please call our office for assistance at 360-428-1617.