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NWCAA welcomes San Juan County

Mar. 6, 2025

March 6, 2025

San Juan County will officially rejoin the Northwest Clean Air Agency on July 1.

Island, San Juan, Skagit, and Whatcom counties formed the Northwest Air Pollution Authority (now NWCAA) in 1967 under authority granted by the Washington Clean Air Act. San Juan County withdrew its membership in the early 1980s.

“We are so pleased to welcome San Juan County back to the Northwest Clean Air Agency,” said NWCAA Board Chair Tara Hizon of the Oak Harbor City Council. “We’re looking forward to having all of our counties working together on shared air quality issues and to the new ideas and energy they can bring.”

“I’m proud that Council is taking this step to help improve the health and well-being of our community by closely monitoring local air quality,” said San Juan County Council Vice Chair Jane Fuller. “Together, we are taking proactive steps to ensure a healthier, safer environment for everyone to thrive in.”

“This is a milestone for our agency, and we’re honored to be able to serve the residents of San Juan County,” said NWCAA Executive Director Mark Buford.

“The Northwest Clean Air Agency has been a great agency to partner with in other counties, and I have no doubt their stewardship of the air in San Juan County will serve the community well,” said Washington State Department of Ecology Air Quality Program Manager Kathy Taylor. “Everybody in Washington deserves clean air, and having a regional partner take the lead on addressing local needs is a wise choice.”

NWCAA’s Buford said: “We’re looking forward to re-establishing and building relationships in San Juan County. And our experienced local team is ready to provide air quality resources.”

Adding San Juan County means NWCAA’s Board of Directors will expand from seven to nine members. The new seats will go to the county and to Friday Harbor. They will join representatives from Island, Skagit, and Whatcom counties and from the cities of Oak Harbor, Mount Vernon, and Bellingham (as well as an at-large member).

Similarly, NWCAA’s Advisory Council will expand to include San Juan County representatives. The Advisory Council is made up of health officials, industry representatives, environmental advocates, and others.

The Northwest Clean Air Agency is responsible for enforcing federal, state, and local air quality regulations in Island, Skagit, and Whatcom counties. In addition to permitting and regulating industrial sources of air pollution, the agency provides services and information related to asbestos, outdoor burning, wood smoke and wildfire smoke, and air quality data. More information about the agency is available at